Friday, March 29, 2013


I started cleaning my room today. In May, we are getting new carpet in the rooms upstairs. Therefore, I need to take everything out of my room. The people who put the carpet in will move my furniture out of the room. However, everything needs to be removed from all of the furniture so that they aren't liable for anything. It's also easier for them to move everything if there is less in it. I guess it makes sense that I'm cleaning my room around Easter time. The dust bunnies in my room have great-great-grand bunnies. It's disgusting! I'm still sneezing many hours later. I only scratched the surface of what I need to do. I still have so much junk to look through. On the bright side, I get to go through my things and see what to keep and what to get rid of. I've decided that once I pack everything up, I'm moving out because I don't want to unpack it all in my room again. I'm kidding. I have no plans to move any time soon. I'll continue to clean my room and pack up my things during my week off. I can't think of anything else I'd rather be doing over my last break until summer!

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