Friday, March 1, 2013


If you are reading this post, congratulations! You read my other posts and knew that I changed the URL today. On to today's blog. I am an extremely rare teacher. In fact, I'm a rare full-time worker. Are you ready for this? I do not like coffee! I have had a few sips in my life and can't stand the taste of it. I don't like any hot drink. I prefer something very cold. I know that almost every full-time worker known to man drinks coffee in the morning. I'm not one of them. Teachers see me with my 32 ounce nalgene bottle filled with water everyday and don't know how I survive without caffeine. I don't need the jump start to get me going. I don't like energy drinks or shots either. Then again, I don't feel awake in the morning by drinking water. Maybe I do need something to get me going. I seriously don't understand how coffee and other caffeine gets people moving in the morning. I've had energy shots before and felt no different. I am thoroughly convinced that I don't have a teaching job because I don't drink coffee. The first question they ask at an interview is probably, "Do you drink coffee?" When I say, "No," they respond, "Sorry, this interview is over. We can't hire you." Maybe one day I will acquire the taste of coffee. I don't see that happening any time soon though.

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