Saturday, March 16, 2013


I've talked about vacations and concerts I've gone to. Now I'm going to talk about comedians I have been lucky enough to see. I'll start with talking about comedians at Potsdam. I mentioned two concerts that came during Spring Fest. The other two years, comedians came. We had Lewis Black my sophomore year and Stephen Lynch my senior year. Lewis Black has been in many movies. We sat in the third row for his performance. He is a very loud and angry comedian. He loves swearing. Yes, he is very hilarious. Stephen Lynch is also a pretty dirty comedian. He plays guitar and sings songs in his comedy show. I had seen both on TV/YouTube before seeing them live. I'd see them both again if given the opportunity. The thing about comedians is that after you see them, you rarely remember the jokes that they said. It's unfortunate because normally you want to remember all of their funny jokes. Potsdam got many small time comedians to come up there. Almost every comedian would make a joke about the fact that Potsdam was in the middle of nowhere and freezing cold. It got pretty boring after awhile even though every comedian had a different twist on the jokes. At Clarkson, I went to go see Pablo Francisco. He's another comedian that has been on comedy central. He did many impressions and was spot on. The thing I love about comedians is that they are amazing at their different voices and impressions. I went to as many comedians as I could while at Potsdam because most of them were free and I love to laugh. I think being a comedian is an incredibly hard job because you don't know if your joke will make the audience laugh until you tell the joke. If they don't laugh, the comedian is in a lot of trouble. I miss being able to see many comedians throughout a year.

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