Saturday, March 23, 2013


Since Thursday, I have watched about 36 hours of TV. No seriously, I have. That's what happens when it's March madness time. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen the same commercials over and over and over and over and over again. Naturally, these commercials aren't funny at all. If they were funny, they wouldn't be after seeing them many times. There is supposedly a law that makes commercials the same sound as the program. They are not allowed to be louder than the show you are watching. That doesn't happen. That's another annoying thing about commercials. I think insurance companies have competitions with each other to see who can make the worst possible commercial. I thought commercials were supposed to bring customers in, not turn them off of your product because of horrible advertising. All State commercials with that ridiculous guy hurting himself every commercial is probably my current least favorite commercial. They have several different commercials with him that they rotate through. I can't stand any of them! I need to start muting commercials from now on. Needless to say, I hate commercials!

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